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姓 名 蔡姗姗 性 别
职 称 副教授 毕业学校 美国俄克拉荷马州立大学
邮 箱 shanshc@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 清洁能源大楼N606
蔡姗姗,女,湖北省武汉市人,副教授,博士生导师,2007年本科毕业于威廉希尔体育建筑环境与设备工程系,2010年和2013年于美国俄克拉荷马州立大学机械与航天航空工程学院获工学硕士和博士学位。现就职于WilliamHill官网制冷与低温工程系。研究兴趣主要包括超低能耗建筑节能技术、燃料电池与分布式能源利用技术、空调室内热湿环境调控与热舒适评价、制冷空调设备设计与优化。国际PHI(Passive House Institute)认证被动式建筑设计师,中国硅酸盐学会绝热材料分会理事,中国地源热泵产业联盟青年委员会委员,湖北省“科技副总”,湖北省土木建筑学会地源热泵专业委员会委员,武汉制冷学会青年委员会主任委员,国际期刊STBE(Science and Technology for the Built Environment)及Energies评委会委员,美国采暖、制冷及空调工程师学会(ASHRAE)成员,国际地源热泵学会(IGSHPA)成员,美国金钥匙荣誉协会会员。现有SCI、EI及会议论文六十余篇,研究成果被美国著名传热学教材《Heat and Mass Transfer - Fundamentals and Applications》引用(第五版第十四章),以第一发明人身份申请发明专利十余项(已授权九项),软著三项,主编行业标准一项,参编研究生教材一部,获全国高校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛三等奖、威廉希尔体育教学竞赛一等奖、教学质量优秀奖二等奖、实验技术研究项目二等奖(两次)、“老员工创新创业优秀指导老师”、“我最喜爱的教师班主任”、“优秀教师班主任”(两次),指导本科生、研究生多次荣获国家级奖学金及全国老员工节能减排、制冷空调行业相关科创活动奖项。(更新于2023年7月)





    1.    超低能耗建筑节能技术
    2.    燃料电池与分布式能源利用技术
    3.    空调室内热湿环境调控与热舒适评价
    4.    制冷空调设备优化与设计软件开发


    [1]    国家自然科学基金项目:基于有机绝热材料微结构的热湿传递机理及保冷性能研究(主持)
    [2]    国家重点研发计划子课题:燃料电池-氢内燃机混合发电系统集成及示范(主持)
    [3]    国家重点实验室项目:基于数据驱动方法的非稳态热环境的房间热舒适预测与评价(主持)
    [4]    广东省重点领域研发计划课题:金属双极板流场高效热值传输特性优化设计技术(主持)
    [5]    湖北省自然科学基金项目:基于电渗透除湿的地源热泵空调系统运行机理研究(主持)
    [6]    美国EPSIA联盟项目:聚苯乙烯硬质泡沫板的热湿传递机理与建筑规范的适用性探究(主持)
    [7]    企业项目:空调房间气流组织仿真(主持)
    [8]    企业项目:家用空调器及相关产品制冷技术顾问项目(主持)
    [9]    国家重点研发计划子课题:混合发电系统快速仿真模型及动态工况调控策略(参与)
    [10]    国家重点研发计划子课题:燃料电池冷热电联供系统集成优化及能量管控技术研究(参与)
    [11]    GF项目:XXXX管网方案仿真评估(参与)
    [12]    美国NAIMA联盟项目:玻璃棉及聚异氰尿酸酯在低温湿工况下热湿特性的变化规律(参与)
    [13]    美国ASHRAE项目:管式保冷材料在低温湿工况下热传导特性的测定及其对传热过程的影响分析(参与)
    [14]    美国ASHRAE项目:管式保冷材料在低温环境下的关键热物性测试方法探究(参与)
    [15]    美国企业项目:微通道换热器结霜性能的实验探究(参与)
    [16]    企业项目:空调器换热部件关键结构优化技术与系统仿真平台建设(参与)
    [17]    企业项目:空调换热器小管径替代技术(参与)
    [18]    企业项目:空调换热器性能优化(参与)


    [1]    Cai, S., Hua, Z., Dai, M., Li, S., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Performance Analysis of Adsorption Refrigeration using a Composite Adsorbent with Improved Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023.
    [2]    Cai, S., Wang, W., Zou, Y., Li, S., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Performance and sustainability assessment of PEMFC/solar-driven CCP systems with different energy storage devices, Energy, 2023, 278:127863.
    [3]    Cai, S., Hua, Z., Dai, M., Li, S., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Investigation of stepwise porosity and perforated fins in finned tube adsorption bed for adsorption refrigeration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 229:120587.
    [4]    Cai, S.*, Liu, Z., Li, X., Xu, H., Xia, L., Cremaschi, L. Impacts of liquid phase distribution on the effective thermal conductivity of closed-cell thermal insulation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 190:108280.
    [5]    Cai, S., Xu, H., Zou, Y., Li, S., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Chan, S., Operation characteristics and performance analysis of integrated power and hybrid cooling systems driven by PEM fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48:13276-13293
    [6]    Zhao, S., He, L., Wu, X., Xu, G., Xie, J., Cai, S.* Evaluation of thermal comfort in air-conditioned rooms based on structure/control-related parameters and data-mining method. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, 2023.
    [7]    Wang, W., Yang, J., Cai, S.*, Li, S., Tu, Z., Performance analysis of a pattern-matching control strategy designed for the hybrid power system used in fuel cell vehicles. 8th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE). 2023. (EI)
    [8]    李旭, 李若琳, 蔡姗姗*, 罗小兵, 涂正凯. 柔性调控对燃料电池冷热电湿联供系统的影响研究, 工程热物理学报(EI), 2023.
    [9]    王文莉, 崔松林, 吴俊鸿, 单联瑜, 蔡姗姗*, 谢军龙. 小管径翅片管式家用空调蒸发器流路结构混合优化, 工程热物理学报(EI), 2023.
    [10]    吴俊鸿, 崔松林, 单联瑜, 王文莉, 蔡姗姗*, 谢军龙. 基于NSGA-III算法的小管径翅片管式空调蒸发器高维多目标优化, 制冷与空调, 2023.
    [11]    Peng, G., Wu, J., Shan, L., Wang, R., Wang, W., Cai, S.*; Xie, J., Thermal management of the passenger compartment in electric vehicles. 7th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE). 2022. (EI)
    [12]    Cai, S., Sun, X., Li, X., Li, S., Xue, X., Simulation study on the electro-osmotic characteristic of a dehumidification fin. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 2022.
    [13]    Cai, S., Li, X., Li, S., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Flexible load regulation method for a residential energy supply system based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 258:115527.
    [14]    徐国稳, 孙萱, 李旭, 骆旭, 蔡姗姗*. 影响电渗再生除湿翅片内电渗透流动的模拟研究. 制冷与空调, 2022.
    [15]    Zhao, J., Cai, S.**, Luo, X., Tu, Z., Dynamic characteristics and economic analysis of PEMFC-based CCHP systems with different dehumidification solutions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47(22):11644-11657
    [16]    Cai, S.*, Xia, L., Xu, H., Li, X., Liu, Z., Cremaschi, L. Effect of internal structure on dynamically coupled heat and moisture transfer in closed-cell thermal insulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 185:122391
    [17]    Zhou, X., Cai, S.*, Luo, X., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Li, S., Chang, H. Electro-osmotic regeneration and its behavior in a dehumidification application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 202:117861
    [18]    Cai, S., Zou, Y., Luo, X., Tu, Z., Investigations of a novel proton exchange membrane fuel cell-driven combined cooling and power system in data center applications. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 250:114906.
    [19]    Zhao J, Cai S*, Huang X, Luo X, Tu Z., 4E analysis and multiobjective optimization of a PEMFC-based CCHP system with dehumidification. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 248:114789.
    [20]    He, L.; Zhao, S.; Xu, G.;Wu, X.; Xie, J.; Cai, S.*, Prediction and evaluation of dynamic variations of the thermal environment in an air-conditioned room using collaborative simulation method. Energies, 2021, 14, 5378.
    [21]    李晓宇, 徐宏阳, 代敏, 蔡姗姗*. 热弥散对地埋管换热器全尺度传热的影响. 化工学报, 2021, 72(05).
    [22]    Cai, S.*, Guo, H., Zhang, B., Xu, G., Li, K., Xia, L., Multi-scale simulation study on the hygrothermal behavior of closed-cell thermal insulation. Energy, 2020, 196, 117-142.
    [23]    Guo, H., Cai, S.*, Li, K., Liu, Z., Xia, L., Xiong, J., Simultaneous test and visual identification of heat and moisture transport in several types of thermal insulation. Energy, 2020, 197, 117-137.
    [24]    Cai, S.*, Li, X., Zhang, M., Fallon, J., Li, K., Cui, T., An analytical full-scale model to predict thermal response in boreholes with groundwater advection. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 168.
    [25]    Cai, S.*, Huang, W., Luo, X., Li, X., Ji, J., Experimental study on the impact factors of electro-osmotic flow in dehumidification applications. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 202.
    [26]    Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cui, T., Guo, H., Huxford, J., Mesoscopic study of the effective thermal conductivity of dry and moist soil. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 98: 171-181.
    [27]    Guo, H., Cai, S.*, Wang, X., Fang, D., Li, K., Simultaneous test of heat and moisture transfer in aerogel blankets. 2019, 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2019.
    [28]    Cai, S.*, Luo, X., Zhou, X., Huang, W., Li, X., Ji, J., Experimental study of electro-osmotic effect in composite dessicant. 2019, 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2019.
    [29]    徐国稳, 李坤, 蒋祎璠, 黄明骏, 房东旭, 蔡姗姗*. 三类随机分形结构下干土壤有效热导率的介观研究. 化工学报, 2019, 70(07).
    [30]    Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cremaschi, L., Moisture behavior of polystyrene insulation in below-grade application. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 158, 24-38.
    [31]    Cui, T., Cai, S.*, Guo, H., Huang, T., A Full-scale model to predict borehole fluid temperature with groundwater advection in a building application. Proceedings of International Ground Source Heat Pump Association Conference and Expo, September 18-20, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
    [32]    Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cui, T., Guo, H., Impacts of meso-structure on the thermal conductivity of moist soil. Proceedings of International Ground Source Heat Pump Association Conference and Expo, September 18-20, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
    [33]    Zhang, B., Cai, S.*, Cui, T., Guo, H., A mesoscopic model to study the effective thermal conductivity of fractal sand. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration (ICCR2018), April 12-14, 2018, Shanghai, China.
    [34]    Huang, W., Zhou, X., Zhang, B., Tang, Y., Cai, S.*, Experimental study on the impact factors of electro-osmotic dehumidification. The 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, June 10-13, 2018, Sapporo, JAPAN.
    [35]    Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cremaschi, L., Review of Moisture Behavior and Thermal Performance of Polystyrene Insulation in Building Applications. Building and Environment, 2017, 123, 50-65.
    [36]    Cai, S.*, Zhang, B., Cremaschi, L., Study of the meso-structure and its impact on the thermal performance of closed-cell insulation with moisture ingress. Procedia Engineering, 2017, v 205, p 2823-2830.
    [37]    Cai, S.*, Cui, T., Zheng, B., Hu, P., A fractal approach to calculate the thermal conductivity of moist soil. Proceedings of the IGSHPA Technical/Research Conference and Expo, Denver, U.S., 2017, March 14-16.
    [38]    Cai. S.*, Zhu, W., Cremaschi, L., Experimental study on the thermal conductivity and moisture ingress in closed-cell mechanical pipe insulation systems at below ambient conditions (ASHRAE RP-1646). Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2016, 22(2), 201-213.
    [39]    Zhu, W., Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., Thermal performance and moisture accumulation of fibrous mechanical pipe insulation systems operating at below ambient temperature in wet conditions with moisture ingress. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2015, 21(6), 862-875.
    [40]    Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., Ghajar, A., Pipe insulation thermal conductivity under dry and wet condensing conditions with moisture ingress: A critical review. HVAC&R Research, 2014, 20(4), 458-479. -被美国教材“Heat and Mass Transfer – Fundamentals and Applications”引用(第五版第十四章).
    [41]    Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., An experimentally validated model to predict the thermal conductivity of closed-cell pipe insulation systems with moisture ingress. Proceedings of ASHRAE 2014 winter conference, New York, U.S., 2014, Jan 22-24.
    [42]    Cremaschi, L., Cai, S.*, Worthington, K., Ghajar, A., Measurement of pipe insulation thermal conductivity at below ambient temperatures Part I: Experimental methodology and dry tests (ASHRAE RP-1356). ASHRAE Transactions, 2012, 118(1), Paper No CH-12-030 ‘Awarded Best Poster Presentation Award at ASHRAE conferences in 2012’ 被美国教材“Heat and Mass Transfer – Fundamentals and Applications”引用(第五版第十四章).
    [43]    Cai, S.*, Cremaschi, L., Ghajar, A., Moisture accumulation and its impact on the thermal performance of pipe insulation for chilled water pipes in high performance buildings. Proceedings of the 2nd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, Purdue, U.S., 2012, July 21-24. - 被美国教材“Heat and Mass Transfer – Fundamentals and Applications”引用(第五版第十四章).

    [1]    陈焕新, 申利梅, 蔡姗姗. 制冷空调新技术, 机械工业出版社, 2022.
    [2]    蔡姗姗, 沈英琪, 郑伟涛等, 校园新风净化系统装备规范T/JHBZ 001-2020, 湖北省空气净化行业协会团体标准, 2020.

    [1]    蔡姗姗,邹雨琦,涂正凯等,一种基于PEMFC的冷-热-电-湿联供系统及方法,授权号ZL202111449341.3.
    [2]    蔡姗姗,徐宏阳,涂正凯等,一种与PEMFC联供的电渗再生吸附式制冷系统,授权号ZL202110485374.7.
    [3]    蔡姗姗,周兴,涂正凯等,一种用于吸附制冷系统的双螺旋翅片管式吸附床及应用,授权号ZL202110485640.6.
    [4]    蔡姗姗, 郭海金, 徐国稳等, 一种多功能热湿特性同步测试实验台, 授权号ZL201910095430.9.
    [5]    蔡姗姗, 张博雄, 郭海金等, 一种用于冷库的无霜换热系统, 授权号ZL201810394589.6.
    [6]    蔡姗姗, 张博雄, 郭海金等, 一种利用电渗效应降温和抑霜的空调室外机, 授权号ZL201810521897.0.
    [7]    蔡姗姗, 薛雪, 程奇等, 一种医院门诊部风机盘管风速及冷量联动控制方法及装置, 授权号ZL201710262453.5.
    [8]    蔡姗姗, 崔腾飞, 张博雄等, 一种电渗透制冷调湿换热器, 授权号ZL201710126210.9.
    [9]    蔡姗姗, 崔腾飞, 张博雄等, 一种半被动式的保温调湿外墙系统, 授权号ZL201611256391.9.
    [10]    蔡姗姗,邹雨琦,涂正凯等,PEMFC联供的新风净化及除湿加湿装置及其控制方法,申请号CN202111447669.1, 2021.12
    [11]    蔡姗姗,王文莉,涂正凯等,一种基于氨重整制氢的燃料电池与内燃机混合发电系统,申请号CN202310061575.3, 2023.02
    [12]    蔡姗姗, 王文莉, 陈焕新等, 翅片管式换热器仿真优化软件V1.0, 登记号2021SR1933222.
    [13]    蔡姗姗, 李旭, 邹雨琦等, 热探针测量仪软件1.0, 登记号2021SR1535956.蔡姗姗, 郭海金, 刁广琦等, 多功能热湿特性测试软件1.0, 登记号2021SR0695617.


        国家、省部级和校级荣誉奖励
    1.    湖北省2023年“科技副总”
    2.    威廉希尔体育2021年教学质量优秀奖二等奖
    3.    第六届全国高等学校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛三等奖
    4.    威廉希尔体育第十二届实验技术研究项目二等奖
    5.    威廉希尔体育第十一届实验技术研究项目二等奖
    6.    威廉希尔体育2018年老员工创新创业优秀指导老师
    7.    威廉希尔体育2017-2018我最喜爱的教师班主任
    8.    威廉希尔体育2015-2016教学竞赛一等奖
    9.    威廉希尔体育2014-2015教学竞赛二等奖
    10.    Best Poster Presentation Award at ASHRAE conferences in 2012

        指导老师
    1.    全国能源动力类专业优秀本科毕业论文(2023,袁文浩)
    2.    威廉希尔体育优秀毕业设计(2019,周兴)
    3.    国家奖学金(2018,张博雄)
    4.    牛津大学暑期实习生(2017-2019)
    5.    全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛(2017,一等奖和三等奖;2018,三等奖)