李显,男,教授,博士生导师,威廉希尔体育。主要从事能源化工、燃烧及污染物控制等方面的研究工作。2008.3大连理工大学获得博士学位。2008.4-2009.6在德国马普所(Max-Planck Institute)做博士后工作,主要研究课题为煤的催化加氢。2009.7-2013.1在日本京都大学(Kyoto U.)先后做COE研究员和助理教授,主要研究方向为低阶碳源材料的提质及利用。2013.2至今在威廉希尔体育工作,2017.9以援疆干部身份挂职于新疆大学。作为负责人承担国家重点研发计划项目子课题2项、国家自然科学基金项目3项、科技部国际合作项目2项(亚非青年科学家来华项目),日本文部科学省全球 COE计划项目2项,及横向课题多项,作为骨干成员参与国家重点研发计划项目、973、国际合作项目、日本学术振兴会(JSPS)支持项目等多项。2019年获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学二等奖,排名第五)、新疆化学会突出贡献奖,2018年获得“苏州高新区科技创新创业领军人才”称号,2013年入选湖北省“楚天学者”。2012年获得日本能源学会年度奖和日本煤炭科学会议优秀论文奖。Carbon Resources Conversion客座编辑。近5年来发表科技论文70余篇,其中SCI收录50余篇,申请或授权专利30项。 Xian LI, Doctor, Professor. State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science & Technology. Dr. Xian LI`s research interest is related to upgrading, thermal conversion, and utilization of the low grade carbonaceous energy resources. Dr. Xian LI got doctorate from Dalian University of Technology in 2008, and work as a postdoc in Max-Planck-Institut of coal research (Germany) from 2008 to 2009, as a Global-COE Researcher in Kyoto University from 2009 to 2010, Assistant Prof. in Kyoto University from 2010 to 2013, Associate Prof. in Huazhong University of Science and Technology from 2013 to the present, and Prof. in Xinjiang University from 2017 to the present. Dr. Xian LI got Excellent Achievement Award of Colleges and Universities from Ministry of Education of China (2018), Chutian Scholar Program Award from the Education Department of Hubei province of China (2013), Annual Award from Fuel Society of Japan, Excellent Paper Award of Coal Science and Technology Conference of Japan (2012). Dr. Xian LI is the principal investigator of more than 20 projects supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and industries. Dr. Xian LI published more than 70 papers and has 15 patents. |