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姓 名 陈刚 性 别
职 称 教授(博导) 毕业学校
邮 箱 gangchen@mail.hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 武汉市洪山区珞瑜路1037号 威廉希尔体育煤燃烧国家重点实验室 邮编430074
陈刚,男,汉族,1965年生,二级教授、博士生导师,华中学者领军岗,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,教育部能源动力类专业教学指导委员会委员,威廉希尔体育本科教学指导委员会副主任委员,湖北省电机工程学会锅炉专委会主任委员, 2023年获“湖北省先进工作者”称号,曾任能源公司党委书记、学校教务处长、本科生院经理。长期从事煤粉清洁燃烧理论及技术、燃煤火电机组锅炉优化运行、大型火电机组配煤掺烧全流程动态优化控制等方面研究。开发了《大型火电机组燃煤掺烧智能优化决策系统》,该成果在大型电力集团百余台锅炉机组上得到成功推广应用,经济、环保效益显著,2014年获得了国家科技进步二等奖(排名第一),获省部级科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖3项及多项行业奖、日内瓦国际发明展金奖, 2023年获国家教学成果二等奖(排名第一)、获湖北省教学成果特等奖(排名第一)、2018年获国家教学成果二等奖(排名第五)等。发表学术论文200多篇,授权30余项发明专利和软件著作权,出版著作3部,包括国内首部混煤燃烧专著《电站锅炉配煤掺烧及经济运行》,主编了本科生十二五规划教材《锅炉原理》(2020年获评高校能源动力类专业精品教材)、沙角C电厂660MW机组教材、华能井冈山电厂《660MW超超临界机组教材》等,是国家首批一流课程《现代电站锅炉》课程负责人、湖北省热能工程教学团队负责人。



    2005年4月~10月作为国家公派高级研究学者在加拿大Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering, University of Alberta从事访问研究;
    2009年至2017年 任威廉希尔体育能源与公司党委书记;
    2017年至2020年 任威廉希尔体育教务处处长。
    2020年2023年9月 威廉希尔体育本科生院经理。




    [1]    提高锅炉低氮改造后多煤种适应性研究,粤电集团沙角C电厂科技项目,128万,在研,
    [2]    SCR烟气脱硝系统动态精细化控制研究,粤电集团科技项目,108万,在研,
    [3]    2号机组炉效、NOx、汽温协同优化试验与控制策略研究,粤电集团科技项目,55万,在研,
    [4]    沙角C电厂设备状态维护检修体系研究及建立,粤电集团科技项目,168万,在研;


    [1]    陈刚,方庆艳,张成,夏季. 电站锅炉配煤掺混及经济运行.中国电力出版社.北京: 2013.12.
    [2]    陈刚,方庆艳,张成等. 锅炉原理.威廉希尔体育出版社.武汉: 2012.02.
    [3]    方庆艳,陈刚,张成,赵海波. 煤粉低NOx燃烧数值模拟.中国电力出版社.北京: 2017.10.

    [1]    Li Quan, Li Xin, Li Wei, Zhong Liu, Zhang Cheng, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Effect of preferential exposure of anatase TiO2 {001} facets on the performance of Mn-Ce/TiO2 catalysts for low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 26:26-34.
    [2]    Zhong Liu, Fang Qingyan, Li Xin, Li Quan, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. Influence of preparation methods on the physicochemical properties and catalytic performance of Mn-Ce catalysts for lean methane combustion. Applied Catalysis A: General. 2019, 579: 151-158.
    [3]    Zhang Xiaopei, Zhang Cheng, Feng Xiaofei, Yu Shenghui, Li Xin, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Study on the moisture adsorption isotherms and different forms of water for lignite after hydrothermal and thermal upgrading. Fuel, 2019, 246: 340-348.
    [4]    Ma Lun, Xu Hao, Wang Xiaoting, Fang Qingyan, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. A novel flame-anchorage micro-combustor: Effects of flame holder shape and height on premixed CH4/air flame blow-off limit. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 158: 113836.
    [5]    Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Yin Chungen, Zhong Liu, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. More efficient and environmentally friendly combustion of low-rank coal in a down-fired boiler by a simple but effective optimization of staged-air windbox. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 194: 106118.
    [6]    Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Yin Chungen, Wang Huajian, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. A novel corner-fired boiler system of improved efficiency and coal flexibility and reduced NOx emissions. Applied Energy, 2019, 238: 453-465.
    [7]    Ma Lun, Wang Tingxu, Liu Jichang, Fang Qingyan, Guo Anlong, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. Effect of different conditions on the combustion interactions of blended coals in O2/CO2 mixture. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2019, 92: 413-427.
    [8]    Li Xin, Li Quan, Zhong Liu, Ma Lun, Yu Shenghui, Zhang Cheng, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Natures of (001) and (101) surfaces of original and MnO2-loaded anatase: A comparative study. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 489: 123-134.
    [9]    Li Xin, Li Quan, Li Wei, Zhang Xiaopei, Zhong Liu, Zhang Cheng, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Enhancement of SCR performance of monolithic Mn–Ce/Al2O3/cordierite catalysts by using modified deposition precipitation method. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019 (on line).
    [10]    Yu S.H., Zhang C., Zhang X.P., Li X., Wei B., Tan P., Fang Q.Y., Chen G., Xia J., Release and transformation characteristics of Na/Ca/S compounds of Zhundong coal during combustion/CO2 gasification, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2019 (online).
    [11]    Tan Peng, He Biao, Zhang Cheng, Rao Debei, Li Shengnan, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Dynamic modeling of NOx emission in a 660 MW coal-fired boiler with long short-term memory. Energy. 2019, 176:429-436.
    [12]    Ma Lun, Guo Anlong, Fang Qingyan, Wang Tingxu, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. Combustion interactions of blended coals in an O2/CO2 mixture in a drop-tube furnace: Experimental investigation and numerical simulation. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 145(12): 184-200.
    [13]    Li Xin, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Xiaopei, Li Wei, Tan Peng, Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Study on improving the SO2 tolerance of low-temperature SCR catalysts using zeolite membranes: NO/SO2 separation performance of aluminogermanate membranes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 335: 483-490.
    [14]    Zhang Xiaopei, Zhang Cheng, Tan Peng, Li Xin, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Effects of hydrothermal upgrading on the physicochemical structure and gasification characteristics of Zhundong coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 172: 200-208.
    [15]    Zhang Xiaopei, Zhang Cheng, Li Xin, Yu Shenghui, Tan Peng, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang.A two-step process for sewage sludge treatment: Hydrothermal treatment of sludge and catalytic hydrothermal gasification of its derived liquid. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 180: 67-74.
    [16]    Li Wei, Zhang Cheng, Li Xin, Tan Peng, Zhou Anli, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Ho-modified Mn-Ce/TiO2 for low-temperature SCR of NOx with NH3: Evaluation and characterization. Chinese Journal of Catalysis. 2018,335: 483-490.
    [17]    Tan Peng, Fang Qingyan, Zhao Sinan, Yin Chungen, Zhang Cheng, Zhao Haibo, Chen Gang. Causes and mitigation of gas temperature deviation in tangentially fired tower-type boilers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 139: 135-143.
    [18]    Zhao Sinan, Fang Qingyan, Yin Chungen, Wei Tongsheng, Wang Huajian, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. New fuel air control strategy for reducing NOx emissions from corner-fired utility boilers at medium-low loads. Energy & Fuels. 2017,31(7): 6689-6699.
    [19]    Tan Peng, Tian Dengfeng, Fang Qingyan, Ma Lun, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang, Zhong Lijin, Zhang Honggang. Effects of burner tilt angle on the combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a 700 MWe deep-air-staged tangentially pulverized-coal-fired boiler. Fuel. 2017,196: 314-324.
    [20]    Tan Peng, Ma Lun, Xia Ji, Fang Qingyan, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. Co-firing sludge in a pulverized coal-fired utility boiler: Combustion characteristics and economic impacts. Energy. 2017, 119: 392-399.
    [21]    Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Tan Peng, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang, Lv Dangzhen, Duan Xuenong, Chen Yiping. Effect of the separated overfire air location on the combustion optimization and NOx reduction of a 600MWe FW down-fired utility boiler with a novel combustion system. Applied Energy. 2016, 180: 104-115.
    [22]    Tan Peng, Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang. Application of different combustion models for simulating the co-combustion of sludge with coal in a 100 MW tangentially coal-fired utility boiler. Energy & Fuels. 2016, 30, 1685−1692.
    [23]    Tan Peng, Zhang Cheng, Xia Ji, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Modeling and reduction of NOX emissions for a 700 MW coal-fired boiler with the advanced machine learning method. Energy. 2016, 94:672-679.
    [24]    Tan Peng, Zhang Cheng, Xia Ji, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. NOx emission model for coal-fired boilers using principle component analysis and support vector regression. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 2016, 49, 211−216.
    [25]    Feng Xiaofei, Zhang Cheng, Tan Peng, Zhang Xiaopei, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Experimental study of the physicochemical structure and moisture readsorption characteristics of Zhaotong lignite after hydrothermal and thermal upgrading. Fuel, 2016, 185: 112-121.
    [26]    Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Lv Dangzhen, Zhang Cheng, Chen Yiping, Chen Gang, Duan Xuenong, Wang Xihuan. Reducing NOx emissions for a 600 MWe down-fired pulverized-coal utility boiler by applying a novel combustion system. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(21): 13040-13049.
    [27]    Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Lv Dangzhen, Zhang Cheng, Chen Gang, Chen Yiping,and Duan Xuenong. Influence of separated overfire air ratio and location on combustion and NOx emissions characteristics for a 600 MWe down-fired utility boiler with a novel combustion system. Energy & Fuels, 2015,29(11): 7630-7640.
    [28]    Tian Dengfeng, Zhong Lijin, Tan Peng, Ma Lun, Fang Qingyan, Zhang Cheng, Zhang Dianping, Chen Gang. Influence of vertical burner tilt angle on the gas temperature deviation in a 700 MW low NOx tangentially fired pulverised-coal boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 138, 616-628.
    [29]    Tan Peng, Zhang Cheng, Xia Ji, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Estimation of higher heating value of coal based on proximate analysis using support vector regression. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 138: 298-304.
    [30]    Deng Changya, Zhang Cheng, Tan Peng, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. The melting and transformation characteristics of minerals during co-combustion of coal with different sludges. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(10): 6758-6767.
    [31]    Zhang Jinping, Zhang Cheng, Qiu Yongqi, Chen Lei, Tan Peng, Chen Gang. Evaluation of moisture readsorption and combustion characteristics of a lignite thermally upgraded with the addition of asphalt. Energy & Fuels, 2014,28(12): 7680-7688.
    [32]    Yang Xianjun, Zhang Cheng, Tan Peng, Yang Tao, Fang Qingyan, Chen Gang. Properties of upgraded shengli lignite and its behavior for gasification. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28 (1):264-274.

    [1]    一种塔式锅炉出口导流方法、机构及锅炉. 国家发明专利(专利号):ZL201610540883.4. 授权日期: 2018.09.07.
    [2]    一种煤质挥发分、固定碳在线检测方法及系统. 国家发明专利(专利号):201610310539.6. 授权日期: 2018.9.25.
    [3]    一种电站锅炉燃烧智能控制方法. 国家发明专利(专利号):201610288448.7. 授权日期:2018.7.31.
    [4]    一种电站锅炉运行数据清洗方法. 国家发明专利(专利号):201610238786.X. 授权日期:2018.6.12.
    [5]    一种高精度的磨煤机振动检测工艺方法. 国家发明专利(专利号):201410851654.5. 授权日期:2018.1.5.
    [6]    一种火电机组配煤掺烧效果在线评估方法. 国家发明专利(专利号):201410853304.2. 2017.6.30.
    [7]    可变炉内停留时间的含碳固体燃料混合燃烧试验炉及方法. 国家发明专利(专利号):2015101933301. 授权日期:2016.6.22.
    [8]    一种W火焰锅炉SCR系统脱硝运行优化方法.国家发明专利(专利号):201410100354.3. 授权日期:2015.7.22.
    [9]    一种切圆燃烧煤粉锅炉.SCR系统脱硝运行优化方法.国家发明专利(专利号):201410020138.8. 授权日期:2015.8.19.
    [10]    一种原煤仓内多煤种分层界面监测方法 授权号:ZL 2010 1 0199623.8,授权日期:2011.11;
    [11]    一种火电厂燃煤智能调度系统,授权号ZL 201210037142.6,授权日期:2013.10.30;
    [12]    软件著作权:《耦合重金属控制的配煤掺烧优化指导系统》,登记号2018SR920965
    [13]    软件著作权:《SCR精细化喷氨控制系统》,登记号2018SR922229
    [14]    软件著作权:《电厂大小修管理系统》,登记号:2011SR008565;
    [15]    软件著作权:《电厂设备点检管理系统》,登记号:2011SR008644;
    [16]    软件著作权:《大型火电机组燃煤掺烧智能优化决策系统》登记号:2010SR035488。


    [1]    能源动力类“535”创新人才全方位多层次培养体系改革与实践,国家级教学成果二等奖,2018年,排名第五;
    [2]    大型电站锅炉混煤燃烧理论方法及全过程优化技术,国家科技进步二等奖,2014年,排名第一;
    [3]    电站锅炉复杂煤种优化混烧技术的研究与应用,教育部科技进步二等奖,2013年,排名第一;
    [4]    燃煤电厂混煤燃烧智能优化系统,第39届日内瓦国际发明展金奖,2011年,排名第一;
    [5]    大型火电机组多煤种混烧全程动态优化系统,湖北省科技进步一等奖,2010年,排名第二;
    [6]    大型火电机组基于环保经济的全供应链主动配煤掺烧动态优化技术,2014年,广东省科技进步二等奖,排名第五;
    [7]    稳燃腔煤粉燃烧器研究及应用,2000年,教育部科技进步二等奖,排名第二;
    [8]    75t/h锅炉烟煤改烧无烟煤技术,惠州市科技进步二等奖,1999年,排名第一;
    [9]    130t/h锅炉燃烧器改造,中国纯碱工业协会科技进步二等奖,1997年,排名第二;
    [10]    2000年12月获威廉希尔体育实验技术成果三等奖,排名第一;
    [11]    威廉希尔体育2008“我最喜爱的导师” 荣誉称号;
    [12]    威廉希尔体育2007年“三育人积极分子”;
    [13]    威廉希尔体育2006~2007年度“十佳”师德先进个人荣誉称号;
    [14]    1999~2000年度评为威廉希尔体育优秀共产党员。